Samantha Maragh

Company: National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Job title: Leader, Genome Editing Program
Roundtable Discussion: Standardizing Off-Target Assays 11:40 am
Roundtable discussions place a larger focus on group discussion. A moderator will introduce the session topic and attendees then split into groups to discuss a series of assigned questions. At the end, all groups report back on their discussions, and findings are collated. This roundtable will cover: Benchmarking ongoing progress made by the NIST-FDA for…Read more
day: Conference Day One
How Confident Are You? Considerations for Detecting Edit Sequence and Frequency 11:10 am
Understanding types of DNA sequence detection approaches Assessing the performance and limits of edit detection Unpacking challenges for reliable detection and quantitation of editsRead more
day: Conference Day One